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How much you know about tomatoes

Source:Chinese plant extract network       Time:2014-11-21 11:18:24     Clicks:119

We all know that this vegetable tomatoes, also known as tomato, in Europe it is called the "fruit of love", the name for it is still a legendary story. And another name tomato, called "longevity fruit." Tomatoes can get this reputation, there is some truth:

1, tomatoes are rich in carotene, vitamin B and C, the highest of vegetables especially vitamin P content ranks. Vitamin C, sugar and other raw materials, which contains rutin, with anti-scurvy, skin, protect blood vessels, blood pressure, digestion, etc. to do with. Longevity.

2, contain lycopene cardiovascular protective vitamins and mineral elements do use, can reduce heart attack too.

3, lycopene has a special antioxidant capacity, can eliminate free radicals, protecting cells, DNA and genes from damage, can stop the cancer process. Tomatoes in addition to do with the prevention of prostate cancer, but also can effectively reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, breast cancer and other cancers. Longevity.

4. Tomatoes contain vitamin C, there is thirst, stomach and digestion, cooling Pinggan, detoxify, reduce blood pressure function and effects on blood pressure, kidney patients have special too good adjuvant therapy to do with. Tomatoes have to do with anti-aging, keep the skin white.

5. Tomato juice was niacin to maintain normal secretion, Paul was the formation of red blood cells into help keep the blood vessel wall elasticity and protect the skin too. Edible tomato prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension. Longevity.

Compared with the consumption of raw tomatoes, tomato processed, can increase blood concentrations of lycopene and other antioxidants. This is because the high temperature destroys the tomato cell wall, thereby increasing the release of lycopene and other anti-oxidants. In addition, tomato cooking process, often use peanut oil, salad oil and other vegetable oils, and these fats will help tomato lycopene and other fat-soluble antioxidants naturally released, give full play to the role of antioxidant. Of course, everything good foundation, heating, tomato vitamin C will be lost, but the tomato lycopene and other antioxidants content was increased significantly.

So tomato fried too long will lead to loss of nutrition, cooking should avoid prolonged heating to retain more nutrients. Reclosable lid when cooking, and then a little more vinegar, to protect its oxygen to avoid being destroyed.